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 · 26,750 ratings  · 2,336 reviews
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I got this on the strength of Divergent not the last book in this series. This was a lot better then the first book. I wanted to give it 3.5 stars but is it such an improvement on the last book I thought it deserved a round up rather then down. It is still very slow paced, and there are probably less fights in this book then there were in the last book, but the story is much better and fills in many of the holes/problems in the first book. There is a lot more political intrigue, maneuvering, and I got this on the strength of Divergent not the last book in this series. This was a lot better then the first book. I wanted to give it 3.5 stars but is it such an improvement on the last book I thought it deserved a round up rather then down. It is still very slow paced, and there are probably less fights in this book then there were in the last book, but the story is much better and fills in many of the holes/problems in the first book. There is a lot more political intrigue, maneuvering, and manipulation along with some big plot twist.

The book is written in the first person for Cyra, and Cisi (Akos' sister), and in the third person for Akos himself. This I think was a good choice as in the past Veronica Roth has said she write better in the voice of her female characters.

Since the last book the brutal war on the planet Thuvhe, between the Thuvhe and the warrior nomadic Shotet has been notices and taken center stage in the interplanetary politics. Everyone has their own agenda. With the return of the most ruthless leader for the Shotet people causalities are mounting on both sides. Is all hope for peace gone?

Akos, Cyra and Cisi has seen their fates as both a curse and a burden. Now they might has to accept that their fates were just the start of their journey and their gifts/powers can be used for so much more. Maybe it is the comic fan in my but I love when people push the boundries or find new applications for their powers. These characters current gifts develop as much as their characters in this book.

The book starts off as slowly as the other book left off, you have to get past the first 150 pages for the book to really get going the last 200 or so pages is where it really turner into a page turner. However they are still parts that are drawn out or not the best thought out plans. This could be put down to the characters being quite young and reckless, so no knock on the writing. I good book I am glad I persevered with it.

Henni Ro
Sep 25, 2016 rated it it was amazing
As I was one of the few who actually liked the first book Carve the Mark I am really excited for this continuation of the story!

Edit 16th April - Thoughts
I enjoyed The Fates Divide more than the first one. This was a good continuation of the story. I felt immersed into it right away - Veronica Roth didn't take long to get right to business.

The characters and their relations felt more flashed out - it was like a game of chess and we saw every piece move across the board. It didn't feel like Cyra

As I was one of the few who actually liked the first book Carve the Mark I am really excited for this continuation of the story!

Edit 16th April - Thoughts
I enjoyed The Fates Divide more than the first one. This was a good continuation of the story. I felt immersed into it right away - Veronica Roth didn't take long to get right to business.

The characters and their relations felt more flashed out - it was like a game of chess and we saw every piece move across the board. It didn't feel like Cyra and Akos were the main characters at times - the rest were just as important if not more. I noticed this already in the Divergent series - sometimes the side characters are more important to Veronica Roth than her actual main characters.
I didn't have a problem with it in this case - it all played into the theme of "the fates", the invisible hand moving the pieces across the chess board.
And no side was painted evil - Thuve and Shotet may be enemies, but both sides have their good and bad people. And just because of the bad people, you can't condemn the good people aswell. This was made clear perfectly throughout the book.

Veronica Roth really has a way with titles - she always stays true to the theme. And she always comes back to the title/the theme of the title, in this case Fate. It all revolved around fate - are you the slave of your fate or can you choose your own fate?
I absolutely love this about all of her books!

The twists and turnes were real! At one point I just sat there, jaw dropping and needed to take a minute to process all the information. This story kept me hooked all the way through!

And I absolutely loved this book, up until the actual ending. I think the problem was that I had Allegiant in my head and expected such an ending. I couldn't stop comparing it.
It would've been a pleasing ending, if Veronica Roth wasn't the author. I honestly absolutely loved Allegiant and its ending. (view spoiler)[ I would've loved for Cyro and Akos to die. Ok, that sounds cruel. But then they would've become martyrs, legends even. Their sacrifice would be the ultimate reminder for the rest of this solar system, a reason to keep the piece. A Kereseth and Noavek dying for each other, their people enemies at war, but their love is undying.
Ok, my little fantasy is probably getting out of hand here ... maybe the way Veronica Roth wrote it, it's better :'D (hide spoiler)]

I would love this to become a movie. Honestly, I think this could be turned into a great movie adaptation!

Edit 14th April 2018
It's here!!! I have it <3
The Fates Divide
Can't wait to read it, though I am a bit anxious hahaa

Edit 13th Dec 2017
OMG!!! The cover and title dropped at the same time! Honestly, I love the title, and the cover is aesthetically pleasing (it's gonna fit perfectly to the 1st book), I am still super excited for this book :D

May 29, 2016 marked it as to-read
There is no way I'm going to be able to wait until 2018 for this.

EDIT : 1/6/2018

"He'd die for her. She'd kill for him."

If you aren't intrigued yet, I don't even know what to tell you. Plus, I absolutely love the cover. It's going to beautifully on my shelf beside the first one:)

There is no way I'm going to be able to wait until 2018 for this.

EDIT : 1/6/2018

"He'd die for her. She'd kill for him."

If you aren't intrigued yet, I don't even know what to tell you. Plus, I absolutely love the cover. It's going to beautifully on my shelf beside the first one:)

Apr 12, 2018 rated it it was amazing
I actually really loved the completion of this duology! I remember being hesitant about reading the first book when it first came out because of the mixed reviews but I usually don't let that prevent me from checking out a book, and I actually did enjoy the first. But in my opinion, this second book was even better! There were so good twists and yeah someone does die in the first 20 pages, but the story just keeps you interested. I honestly probably would have said this is a one sitting read but I actually really loved the completion of this duology! I remember being hesitant about reading the first book when it first came out because of the mixed reviews but I usually don't let that prevent me from checking out a book, and I actually did enjoy the first. But in my opinion, this second book was even better! There were so good twists and yeah someone does die in the first 20 pages, but the story just keeps you interested. I honestly probably would have said this is a one sitting read but it was really nice out and my husband was home and the dogs wanted to go out a lot so had distraction after distraction. Anyways, this is a good finale to the duology. I am completely satisfied with this duology! Enjoyed it very much!

My quick and simple overall: everyone plays out for their fates but the fate isn't set in stone with the way it works out. Very entertaining conclusion!

Jan 16, 2019 rated it really liked it
"Suffer the fate, for all else is delusion."
"What does Mother always say? Those who go looking for pain...'
'Find it every time,' I replied, completing the phrase."

I am so glad Cyra&Akos are finally together!!
But what about Eijeh? There's so much more to the story!!!

"Suffer the fate, for all else is delusion."
"What does Mother always say? Those who go looking for pain...'
'Find it every time,' I replied, completing the phrase."

I am so glad Cyra&Akos are finally together!!
But what about Eijeh? There's so much more to the story!!!

Feb 16, 2019 rated it really liked it
This duo-logy had characters that were everything but at a different level.
Emotional...throwing suppressed feelings flying everywhere.
Intelligent...striking your mind numb and starting it again. a way that led you to think was fate really a must weapon
or all you have to do is have belief in yourself.
Independent...still bound by invisible chains.
The story line was a bit shaky but I loved how the characters had
a few choices to make but still managed to get out of those
few options wha
This duo-logy had characters that were everything but at a different level.
Emotional...throwing suppressed feelings flying everywhere.
Intelligent...striking your mind numb and starting it again. a way that led you to think was fate really a must weapon
or all you have to do is have belief in yourself.
Independent...still bound by invisible chains.
The story line was a bit shaky but I loved how the characters had
a few choices to make but still managed to get out of those
few options what they wanted.
A good story overall.
Ardent Reader
Am I the only one who didn't enjoy the book?
Why is her writing is so hard for me to understand?
I really tried to get along with the story line but unfortunately it didn't happen.
Am I the only one who didn't enjoy the book?
Why is her writing is so hard for me to understand?
I really tried to get along with the story line but unfortunately it didn't happen.
Tina ➹ the girl who lives in Fandoms
4.25 Golden Stars

Carve the Mark: ★★★★★/5
The Fates Divide: ★★★★/5

I liked it, but book one was better, that was the introduction to this beautiful world, more thrills, less politics. Full review of book 1 is here

this one was slower than book 1 (though it was a surprise for me, because we were near the end of this duology.)
Cyra was too much hot-head, I didn't like her anymore. (no hate either, I'm neutral.) She didn't know Akos! OMG! That made me angry at that part she thought wrong about him.

4.25 Golden Stars

Carve the Mark: ★★★★★/5
The Fates Divide: ★★★★/5

I liked it, but book one was better, that was the introduction to this beautiful world, more thrills, less politics. Full review of book 1 is here

this one was slower than book 1 (though it was a surprise for me, because we were near the end of this duology.)
Cyra was too much hot-head, I didn't like her anymore. (no hate either, I'm neutral.) She didn't know Akos! OMG! That made me angry at that part she thought wrong about him.
Cute Akos (also sarcastic sometimes which made me laugh out loud) & at some parts, my heart raced like crazy, I think I actually had held my breath for a whole chapter once in the middle. It was chapter 37 & sometimes I just wanted to skip some chapters to continue that special story of one's.

but too many political/diplomatic stuff mentioned in this book, made it slow pace & a bit boring.

In general, this series worth reading if you are a space sci-fi fan spiced up with fantasy, suffering heroes, cute romances, strong female characters.

just it, short summary:

World Building: ★★★★★/5
Characters: ★★★★(★)/5
Plot: ★★★★/5
general idea: ★★★★★/5
Writing style: ★★★(★)/5
Feelz: ★★★/5 (the ones that made me cry)

KELLY!!! I need you.

You there? Ok. I'm about to have a Veronica Roth rant and I figured you'd enjoy it.

I am so disappointed. More than most fans were with Allegiant. Personally, I loved Allegiant, but hey to each their own. This book, however, is a different story altogether. When I read Carve the Mark I loved it! I could not get enough of Cyra and Akos. Two star-crossed lovers if ever there were.

The world was a little much. I am not going to lie. I was overwhelmed with the vastness of the int

KELLY!!! I need you.

You there? Ok. I'm about to have a Veronica Roth rant and I figured you'd enjoy it.

I am so disappointed. More than most fans were with Allegiant. Personally, I loved Allegiant, but hey to each their own. This book, however, is a different story altogether. When I read Carve the Mark I loved it! I could not get enough of Cyra and Akos. Two star-crossed lovers if ever there were.

The world was a little much. I am not going to lie. I was overwhelmed with the vastness of the intergalactic world Roth created. There was just too much of it. The language she tried to throw in there was inconsistent and unnecessary, but the characters and their interactions made Carve the Mark all that it was to me.

The first few chapters of the Fates Divide pick up where Carve the Mark ended. Typically, this is great. Not this time. Roth decided to kill off the villain in the opening chapters leaving me wondering what all the development was for. Why spend all this time building a great villain just to have him killed uneventfully in the opening pages? Because plot.

We move on to a new argument that is mundane and seemingly pointless but of course leads to a war. Because everyone in the galaxy wanted said villain dead but as soon as he's killed everyone gets all up in arms over a.) who did it and b.) how it was done. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Who gives a shit? He's dead. Be happy. Celebrate.

Then we get a bombshell. And I can't sugarcoat it, Roth definitely pulled the carpet out from under my feet with this one. It was a doozy! Instead of it bringing our two lovers closer together it, OF COURSE, drives them apart. Akos leaves without a word to Cyra. They're both filled with self-loathing and each have their own secret missions. Where they could have just spoken with one another like responsible adults, they act like immature assholes and go their separate ways.


Cyra and Akos were wonderful and Roth fucking ruined them in this sequel. I just don't fucking understand what she was going for here. "Ah, I'm all wounded and broken and misunderstood". Give me a break!!!! They had great chemistry and their relationship was a beautiful thing and what I wanted here was to see them together, holding hands in public and rubbing their love in the faces of EVERYONE. Instead we get a pointless war. We get characters with no meaning. We get POV's that we don't need that serve to add confusion to an already muddled storyline. I kept waiting and waiting for this to get better. It never did. I can't even begin to tell you how angry I am. (Maybe as angry as Kelly was when she got to Allegiant?) I just felt like she dropped the ball big time here.

Now, I am not saying I won't ever pick up another book written by Roth, but MY GOD WOMAN, you're better than this!!! This "world" was way too much and not enough at the same time. Figure it the fuck out and start again.


Faith M ✨
Dec 09, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Space was not a finite container, but that didn't mean it was empty. Asteroids, stars, planets, the current stream; space debris, ships, fragmented moons, undiscovered worlds; this was a place of endless possibility and unfathomable freedom. It was not nothing, it was everything.

I had some mixed feelings about the first book, but I entirely loved this one! It was so good!

The inclusion of Eijeh and Cisi's perspectives really added a lot to the story and the world. We got to see so much more throu

Space was not a finite container, but that didn't mean it was empty. Asteroids, stars, planets, the current stream; space debris, ships, fragmented moons, undiscovered worlds; this was a place of endless possibility and unfathomable freedom. It was not nothing, it was everything.

I had some mixed feelings about the first book, but I entirely loved this one! It was so good!

The inclusion of Eijeh and Cisi's perspectives really added a lot to the story and the world. We got to see so much more through them than just through Akos and Cyra, and it was greatly appreciated. I got my more planets wish and got some awesome visuals along the way (Ogra is my dream aesthetic)

The themes were great in this, and the pacing was also great. Everything was great.

I was hesitant about the Lazmet death retcon, but it was done really well and added a lot to the story. The plot twists were all super effective and the hard-hitting moments were pretty intense.

Let me just say that I hate Isae Benesit and will never like her. The end.

(note to Veronica Roth: PLEASE do not make this a trilogy! Two is fine! An unresolved political drama is perfectly okay to leave hanging. Don't pull an Allegiant on us again!)

Meg Reid
Apr 20, 2018 rated it it was amazing
While the first novel was very much a world-building novel that focused on just one or two specific locations, The Fates Divide is somehow more of an introspective character piece that spans across different planets. It focuses less on the larger world and more on how the characters perceive it. The world-building in Carve the Mark was done through the characters of Cyra, Akos, and company, but the world-building in The Fates Divide is what complicates and develops the characters' interpersonal While the first novel was very much a world-building novel that focused on just one or two specific locations, The Fates Divide is somehow more of an introspective character piece that spans across different planets. It focuses less on the larger world and more on how the characters perceive it. The world-building in Carve the Mark was done through the characters of Cyra, Akos, and company, but the world-building in The Fates Divide is what complicates and develops the characters' interpersonal relationships. It's a really fascinating, yet subtle, switch.

Another way The Fates Divide is different from its predecessor is the pacing and urgency of the story itself. The political intrigue, as well as the constant threat of pain and suffering, set a pretty quick pace in Carve the Mark. The Fates Divide is much more deliberate and slow-moving. Yes, political intrigue, pain, and physical suffering are still present, but they're not the driving force of the novel.

May 11, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Okay wow just tear my heart into pieces and stitch it all back together why don't you Okay wow just tear my heart into pieces and stitch it all back together why don't you ...more
"When it comes to life, we spin our own yarn, and where we end up is really, in fact, where we always intended to be."

----Julia Glass

Veronica Roth, the international bestselling author, is back with a bang and with her new book called, The Fates Divide that marks the end of this fantastic duology named, Carve the Mark. Up in the galaxy of stars and lives, two major planets are at war, and the fates of two teenagers who also happen to be in love with one another, are about to change drasticall

"When it comes to life, we spin our own yarn, and where we end up is really, in fact, where we always intended to be."

----Julia Glass

Veronica Roth, the international bestselling author, is back with a bang and with her new book called, The Fates Divide that marks the end of this fantastic duology named, Carve the Mark. Up in the galaxy of stars and lives, two major planets are at war, and the fates of two teenagers who also happen to be in love with one another, are about to change drastically, that might not only bring war but will also divide them. And when a tyrannical ruler comes back from the dead, everyone in that galaxy is fearing for their lives, but can these two teenagers unite with one another to erase their common enemy before it turns into a bloodbath, despite of what their fates hold for them? This is an immensely power-packed ending to Roth's duology about an inter-spatial drama.


In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfil their fates.

The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives.

The lives of Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth are ruled by their fates, spoken by the oracles at their births. The fates, once determined, are inescapable.

Akos is in love with Cyra, in spite of his fate: he will die in service to Cyra's family. And when Cyra's father, Lazmet Noavek – a soulless tyrant, thought to be dead – reclaims the Shotet throne, Akos believes his end is closer than ever.

As Lazmet ignites a barbaric war, Cyra and Akos are desperate to stop him at any cost. For Cyra, that could mean taking the life of the man who may – or may not – be her father.

For Akos, it could mean giving his own. In a stunning twist, the two will discover how fate defines their lives in ways most unexpected.

Cyra and Akos along with Cyra's ruthless killer brother, and their friends and families, have all escaped the dangerous planet of Shotet and are all now flying towards somewhere safe. But tragedy occurs in the spaceship and their plan changes, and gradually, more drama and twist unfolds in the lives of two young and fearless teenagers Cyra and Akos. And when the news of Cyra's ruthless killer father being alive hits the planets, panic breaks out and before it is too late, both the teenagers must try to stop him, even though one of them is the offspring of that vile ruler of Shotet. But can they, because their fates are telling otherwise?

Unlike the first book in the series, this book screams ACTION in big, bold, capital letters. The story takes a 360 degree turn right from the very beginning, and will surprise the readers at its every turn. The world building is done and dusted in the previous books, so this one only focuses on the characters and the actual story. No fussy romance is present in this book, thank god for that!, as that would have marred the essence of this book. Hence the author has included with only chemistry between the two protagonists, and a subtle hint of romance between them, although there are some major love making scenes which really felt crappy to read about in the story. Nevertheless, the elements of the book are presented in a right manner and every factor has made it an extremely intriguing book in this series.

The writing style by the author is simply fantastic and extremely coherent, laced tightly with drama and action. The twists in this book are absolutely unforeseeable and will leave the readers anticipating till the climax to find out what happens next. The dialogues are okay, not that great, what mattered here is the myriad perspectives of the four main and important characters, and through their voices, the readers get to contemplate with the story line. The actions scenes are penned very strikingly, that give an adrenaline-rushing feel to those scenes.

The characters are explored really well, both with their flaws and with their strong aspects, to make them look real and believable in the eyes of the readers. The main character, Cyra and Akos, have developed a bit more in this installment, they looked mature which reflected in their thoughtful and wise decisions. The two other characters are relatively new and their fresh voice added life to this dark inter-spatial drama. In short, all the characters are very layered and felt really good to read about them.

In a nutshell, the story is gripping, with interesting set of characters, that drive the story with their powerful voices. And that climax is really something, totally worth the wait for this book.

Verdict: A must read series for the dystopian fans!

Courtesy: Thanks to the publishers from Harper Collins India for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

Khrys ♡《TheWaffleGirl》
First off I need to start by saying that I like(d) the first book a lot. I rated it 4 stars. I placed it in the "ilovethissomuch" list that I use to recommend to my real-life friends. I freaked out mentally whenever I saw someone holding a Veronica Roth book in their hands, Carve The Mark or not. I know a good number of people who don't like this series at all, but I do (did), so much.

So you can imagine how much it hurts for me to say that The Fates Divide was an extremely, unbelievably, ohgodd

First off I need to start by saying that I like(d) the first book a lot. I rated it 4 stars. I placed it in the "ilovethissomuch" list that I use to recommend to my real-life friends. I freaked out mentally whenever I saw someone holding a Veronica Roth book in their hands, Carve The Mark or not. I know a good number of people who don't like this series at all, but I do (did), so much.

So you can imagine how much it hurts for me to say that The Fates Divide was an extremely, unbelievably, ohgoddingly, painful read. It just....I don't know what happened to me. Is it even me? My tastes might have changed after reading all kinds of books after Carve The Mark. I know for one The Raven Cycle series had recently changed me forever, that's probably it, right??

The worst part is this the only book I own that Veronica Roth herself signed!! I didn't get to see her myself in person (my amazing friend got her to sign it for me), but this is the first signed book I have ever owned which is kind of a big deal. It's just so sad that I didn't love this book as much as I hoped I would.

[edit: I wrote a little synopsis here but imma remove it to make this a spoiler-free review for Carve The Mark]

It's like that person you thought was nice all along but ended up betraying you in the end. All my fangirling and love for the characters went poof just like that!!

What I so hopefully expected:
More action, needed sacrifices (which was hinted so clearly on the blurb), excitement, more canon relationships and of course, the unexpected.

What I received:
A slow pace. No action. Just nothiNG.

I mean if the rate things were going from the first 100 pages were to continue to the rest of the book,

And I know I can't really say that because I haven't finished the book. And I don't know how it ends. I haven't even gone past the half-way point. But that's what I tell myself constantly as I was reading the first few pages, that it will get better and it's just building up, and the typical "this chapter will be the one I just know it". As much as I try I can't keep going on like that forever as getting through even a single chapter is a real struggle.

I also like books that teach or leave you an impression and so far this book has made no impact on me whatsoever. It's not even mildly entertaining. I mean I know it's the first quarter of the book and things are still building up, but can someone or something at least stun me or make me smile? Do something interesting maybe and new? I had to drag myself through and frankly it was quite a miserable experience.

Also, there had always been controversy surrounding this series but only now do I finally see the wrong stuff in not just this book but the last book as well.

Thus for all these reasons, I almost feel "betrayed" by the author. What's more saddening than giving a DNF to a book written by one of the best authors you've ever known?

DNF @ 26%

Jul 22, 2018 rated it liked it
Not so bad conclusion to this duology (at least I think is a 2-book series) , but it lacked more structure and plot development. Character development was the greatest thing this series did and it's minor characters but the plot suffered and it felt like the main plot for the second book (lazmet "Cyra's dad ) was barely used or given any depth , therefore the whole book suffered. The three stars rating comes from the main characters development alone . Looking forward for whatever else this auth Not so bad conclusion to this duology (at least I think is a 2-book series) , but it lacked more structure and plot development. Character development was the greatest thing this series did and it's minor characters but the plot suffered and it felt like the main plot for the second book (lazmet "Cyra's dad ) was barely used or given any depth , therefore the whole book suffered. The three stars rating comes from the main characters development alone . Looking forward for whatever else this author comes up with in the future. ...more
May 17, 2018 rated it really liked it
The fates divide 3.75⭐️

The first book was more political which is why i wasnt a fan but this book (after having the world and political details already formed) was alot better.
I love the friendships and how each character has their own personality and attitude that shines through so clearly without having to directly say it but how they say it.

I like that they needed to ration and fight through the days it was realistic for a dystopian.
If you didnt really like carve the mark pick this up anyw

The fates divide 3.75⭐️

The first book was more political which is why i wasnt a fan but this book (after having the world and political details already formed) was alot better.
I love the friendships and how each character has their own personality and attitude that shines through so clearly without having to directly say it but how they say it.

I like that they needed to ration and fight through the days it was realistic for a dystopian.
If you didnt really like carve the mark pick this up anyway because it was much better and I really enjoyed it!

I felt that this series over all was very disappointing.

At the end of Carve the Mark, our main duo found themselves struggling to find out where they fit after the massive events that took place. And also struggling with their feelings for one another and what that means for their fates. Now as Cyra begins to take her place as leader of the Shotet people, she must face the fact that her father may be alive and ready to start war. Meanwhile, Akos and Cyra are confronted with their actual fates a

I felt that this series over all was very disappointing.

At the end of Carve the Mark, our main duo found themselves struggling to find out where they fit after the massive events that took place. And also struggling with their feelings for one another and what that means for their fates. Now as Cyra begins to take her place as leader of the Shotet people, she must face the fact that her father may be alive and ready to start war. Meanwhile, Akos and Cyra are confronted with their actual fates and have to decide what they will become.

I really wished that I liked this more. It had an interesting plot but as the story went on, it became predictable, anti-climactic, and boring. And I hold Roth at fault for most of this. I still don't understand why everyone's POV was told from 1st person except Akos - his was told from third. And because of this he seemed very one dimensional. Actually, I was never really felt attached to any of the characters. And because of this I couldn't really get into their lives.

Another issue I had was with the pacing. For a book that was almost 500 pages, nothing really happened. There was a lot of talking about plans and talking about fates and talking about families and just talking. Then when it seemed like the war was going to happen...everything was over in a few pages. And when she tried to wrap everything up in the epilogue, I just felt cheated with the way she handled the ending. It just makes me sad that now I will be approaching Roth's work with caution.

Feb 04, 2017 rated it it was amazing
FIVE ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️




I cannot believe how much I loved it!

Akos and Cyra will forever be in my heart! Their love was intense and unbreakable. It knew no boundaries and held no judgement. They were so accepting and loving it made me want to cry!

I won't spoil anything but all I'm saying is this is a MUST!!! LOVED IT!

FIVE ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️




I cannot believe how much I loved it!

Akos and Cyra will forever be in my heart! Their love was intense and unbreakable. It knew no boundaries and held no judgement. They were so accepting and loving it made me want to cry!

I won't spoil anything but all I'm saying is this is a MUST!!! LOVED IT!

Mary ♥
Aug 24, 2020 rated it really liked it
4/5 stars

Death isn't the only punishment you can give someone. You can also give them nightmares.

TW: Self harm, genocide, PTSD, violence

After the events of the first book, the second book picks up in a blast and blooms war and dangerous currents in its wake. More POVs are added, and specifically Akos' sister's point of view, more characters get tangled in the story and everything expands as revalations keep piling up and the world is better explored. I read this a few days after a reading sl

4/5 stars

Death isn't the only punishment you can give someone. You can also give them nightmares.

TW: Self harm, genocide, PTSD, violence

After the events of the first book, the second book picks up in a blast and blooms war and dangerous currents in its wake. More POVs are added, and specifically Akos' sister's point of view, more characters get tangled in the story and everything expands as revalations keep piling up and the world is better explored. I read this a few days after a reading slump, with my heart in my throat, hoping it wouldn't pull me into another one, but it was thankfully quick and fun, exactly like the first installment. The characters developed for better or worse, the plot thickened and the world building got deeper as we saw more planets, something that was probably my favourite part of the book.

The way trauma and grief are presented in the story were also something I absolutely loved. It makes me so happy that more and more authors strive to present mental health and mental illness in a respectful and well researched way, because it is something that touches so many subjects of one's reality. The characters here go through a lot of dark things such as war, betrayal and even genocide, in a way, and I was really glad the author chose to present this in a raw and aching manner. The way each character deals with their demons is also interesting to study, as some characters developed for the better and some for the worst.

The romance in this book was not as subtle as in the previous, but it was still not the main focus, and I find myself being drawn to romance-less books more and more, so it served me well. The family relationships and friendships were also pure in their own way, blooming in a time of harshness and destruction. Ιt all made me tear up, and I realised how much I love well-built dynamics.

In general, this was a great conclusion that kept the momentum of the first book while building upon the world and the psychological profiles of the characters, and it thankfully erased my reading slump and made me want to read again ♥ I recommend for fans of the older YA fiction, who also dip their toes in sci fi!

Until the next review, have a wonderful, happy bookish year! ♥
~Mary ♥

✨ kathryn ✨
Sep 29, 2019 rated it really liked it
This was such a *very* solid sequel to Carve the Mark, though it did take a little while for me to get fully into (potentially because I was still ill and fighting of jet lag from Japan..). The ending to chapter 26 was a turn that I absolutely did not see coming, which definitely set up the remainder of the book. Before this point, it felt a little static - almost as though Roth was reintroducing us to the characters (or alternatively letting us get used to the four points of view as oppose
This was such a *very* solid sequel to Carve the Mark, though it did take a little while for me to get fully into (potentially because I was still ill and fighting of jet lag from Japan..). The ending to chapter 26 was a turn that I absolutely did not see coming, which definitely set up the remainder of the book. Before this point, it felt a little static - almost as though Roth was reintroducing us to the characters (or alternatively letting us get used to the four points of view as opposed to two). I'm super chuffed that I picked up this duology on a total whim in the library. Am I allowed to say (as a 25 year old) that I'm quite into Veronica Roth's writing style? Even if I'm not, I just said it anyway...
May 16, 2018 rated it liked it
No spoilers in this review of The Fates Divide. I give it 3 stars. Unlike many readers, I enjoyed Carve the Mark, the first book in this series. Even though the subject matter was much different than Roth's Divergent series, I saw similarities as far as how both series progressed. They started off with a bang—a promising story with some mysteries about which I was dying to know the answers—but in the end, Roth couldn't quite deliver.

This sequel got off to an agonizingly slow start. I wasn't inte

No spoilers in this review of The Fates Divide. I give it 3 stars. Unlike many readers, I enjoyed Carve the Mark, the first book in this series. Even though the subject matter was much different than Roth's Divergent series, I saw similarities as far as how both series progressed. They started off with a bang—a promising story with some mysteries about which I was dying to know the answers—but in the end, Roth couldn't quite deliver.

This sequel got off to an agonizingly slow start. I wasn't interested in what was happening until nearly the halfway point in the book, yet surprisingly, I'm glad I stuck with it. Eventually, a plot development intrigued me enough that it was worth the wait. More about that below.

I always include a little plot summary at this point in my review, but it's hard to sum this one up. It's basically a battle for who will rule their universe. Will it be Isae? Will it be Cyra, who has taken the throne for her fallen brother? Or will it be Cyra's evil father Lazmet, back from the dead? And how do the Oracles fit into the mix? At times, it seems they are merely using their visions to orchestrate the future they desire.

Turmoil exists at every turn, and tragic mistakes are made. In the midst of it all, Cyra feels like Akos's fate dictates his feelings for her. Their fates (as proclaimed by the oracles) seem to dictate too much of their path in life, and they're both so stubbornly independent that they go on with life with their heads held high even as their hearts are breaking.

This may sound like a decent storyline, but I was slowly plodding along until Roth dealt me a surprise. It was the perfect kind of twist: one that made sense in retrospect as the clues were there yet one I would've never figured out on my own. This catapulted me through the second half of the book, and the final showdown was fairly compelling and emotional.

I will give any book that shocks me a bump in rating. In this case, I was wavering between 2 stars and 3, and that surprise pushed my rating to a 3. What else did I enjoy? This might sound silly, but I loved the names of the characters and the places. I give Roth an A+ in this area. They were original and cohesive. And I liked the two lead characters a lot. They're both strong—as tough as nails, even—and I respect that.

What else didn't I like? Cisi's chapters. When a new point of view is added in a book series, sometimes I like it (Wylan in Crooked Kingdom, for instance) and sometimes I don't (Cisi in Fates). I understand why we needed to hear from her, but I was bored in her chapters and ready to skip back to Akos or Cyra as soon as they began.

I only recommend this book to those who enjoyed Carve the Mark. If you didn't like the first book in this series, you probably won't be willing to stick it out until the second half of Fates, when it finally gets good. But I'm glad I pushed through if only to discover the plot twist and to learn the ultimate fates of Akos and Cyra.

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Cat Carstairs
I'm not sure if Veronica Roth was trying too hard, or not trying hard enough with this one.

In this book, Cyra and Akos go on a mission to (view spoiler)[kill Cyra's not-so-biological father after the information from Ryzek that he was in fact still alive. (hide spoiler)]

I admit that this book was slightly more intriguing than the first one- we got some cute Cyra/Akos moments and action scenes. But once again, just like the first book, much of the plot didn't make sense or was really sluggish. I

I'm not sure if Veronica Roth was trying too hard, or not trying hard enough with this one.

In this book, Cyra and Akos go on a mission to (view spoiler)[kill Cyra's not-so-biological father after the information from Ryzek that he was in fact still alive. (hide spoiler)]

I admit that this book was slightly more intriguing than the first one- we got some cute Cyra/Akos moments and action scenes. But once again, just like the first book, much of the plot didn't make sense or was really sluggish. I found myself skimming over a couple pages, and still, nothing had happened.

The quest part took so long that I lost much of my interest from the start. And I just couldn't bring myself to read the whole thing with the eyeballs... *cringes* I am still dumbfounded as to the reason why being on the planet Ogra took them so long. We do get a major plot twist there, but even then, couldn't it be, I dunno, a hundred pages shorter? And it's not like Veronica Roth didn't drop a bunch of hints as to what it was.

I also didn't like that we didn't get more of an inside view on the real lineage of Cyra and Akos. Sure, it's talked about a little, but just to the point that Cyra gets super angsty again and Akos just abandons them to (view spoiler)[go kill Lazmet himself. And the whole deal with their fates being switched was not thought out enough. (hide spoiler)]

I hated that we had a POV chapter for Akos's sister, Cisi. She honestly was such a bland character along with Isae- I felt no connection to them and wouldn't care if they jumped off a cliff. Akos's brother, Eijeh, was also very frustrating. We have Ryzek all nice and dead at the end of Carve the Mark, but find out that hey, (view spoiler)[there's still half of his soul stuck in Eijeh (hide spoiler)]. Eijeh honestly was just SO creepy, and his character was not written well either. Most of the side characters are just... there.

I'm just happy that this is a dualogy so that we don't have to deal with another of these books. I'm sure that Veronica Roth has enough money from Divergent.

Dec 02, 2018 rated it it was amazing
what a brilliant series.

i know, i know. i'm in the minority group who actually thinks this duology was utterly amazing. but i don't care, i really do.
this is a story about origin, resilience, hope, strength, identity, family. it made me think a lot about xenophobia and preconceptions we gather along in life.

"But right now I'm standing among people who lost something. Friends, family. (...) How can I think that these people are any different from my own, any more worthy of violence or loss?"

the w

what a brilliant series.

i know, i know. i'm in the minority group who actually thinks this duology was utterly amazing. but i don't care, i really do.
this is a story about origin, resilience, hope, strength, identity, family. it made me think a lot about xenophobia and preconceptions we gather along in life.

"But right now I'm standing among people who lost something. Friends, family. (...) How can I think that these people are any different from my own, any more worthy of violence or loss?"

the worldbuilding is simply fascinating. as a big sci-fi fan, it completely satisfied me in this matter. i also think veronica knew how to work with the languages in a natural and soft way. i also am a huge languages fan, so... i'm Satisfied™.
i also loved cyra and teka's relationship. it felt tender and real and i could really see the feeling of friendship between them.
if it depended on me, i would say i'd like to see more of cisi and isae. but maybe it's just me being a shipper. also, cyra and akos were just beautiful.
the writing was excelent. i felt no line was wasted. and the lights and the stars put up a show inside my head.

Sep 02, 2018 rated it liked it
This is a strong 3.5 stars. I just can't justify bumping it to a 4.

It was a bit too slow in my opinion, and I don't feel like there was enough development to this world for my tastes. A bit too much going on and none of it detailed much. I think a few less tensions and those in here more detailed would have brought this book to a higher rating.

Lara (Bookish_turtle)
Though I gave them the same rating, I preferred this book to the first one.

I was expecting more from the climax it wasn't as intense as I expected, but still was good.

I really liked all of the characters, I ship Akos & Cyra so much.

Akos makes really bad life decisions for the majority of this novel TBH.

Pacing was good.

Ending was beautiful and didn't murder me the way I expected it to.

But really Akos, get it together!

Though I gave them the same rating, I preferred this book to the first one.

I was expecting more from the climax it wasn't as intense as I expected, but still was good.

I really liked all of the characters, I ship Akos & Cyra so much.

Akos makes really bad life decisions for the majority of this novel TBH.

Pacing was good.

Ending was beautiful and didn't murder me the way I expected it to.

But really Akos, get it together!

Feb 18, 2017 marked it as to-read
Potentially unpopular opinion: I don't like this cover. I don't like that the title is now orange and a different font from CTM. I think the silver would pop more on that dark background, and it really truly bothers me when fonts and text placement/spacing are different in a series. Potentially unpopular opinion: I don't like this cover. I don't like that the title is now orange and a different font from CTM. I think the silver would pop more on that dark background, and it really truly bothers me when fonts and text placement/spacing are different in a series. ...more
Apr 21, 2017 marked it as to-read
Okay, the first book sucks real bad but this sounds so cool and OMG, that cover!
Veronica Roth is the #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Divergent series (Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and Four: A Divergent Collection), the Carve the Mark duology (Carve the Mark, the Fates Divide), The End and Other Beginnings collection of short fiction, and many short stories and essays. Her first book for adult audiences, Chosen Ones, is out now. She lives in Chicago.

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Veronica Roth is the #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Divergent series (Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and Four: A Divergent Collection), the Carve the Mark duology (Carve the Mark, the Fates Divide), The End and Other Beginnings collection of short fiction, and many short stories and essays. Her first book for adult audiences, Chosen Ones, is out now. She lives in Chicago.

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